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[2025] Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing (Now with AI!)
Let's Put You On the 🚀Rocketship! Welcome to Growth Hacking 7.6 -- New for 2025!
[Beginner] What is Growth Hacking? (1:58)
Hello and Welcome to Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing! (4:24)
[Intermediate] How to Launch and Run Your Growth Team (3:10)
Access All of Your 2025 Growth Hacking Templates, Guides, and Special Resources
AI in Growth Hacking: Plan the Launch of Your Growth Team (4:12)
[Expert Interview] 4 Takeaways on Growth from Sean Ellis, the OG Growth Hacker (7:11)
[Intermediate] Crash Course: AI Prompt Engineering for Growth Hackers (5:34)
Be Data Driven! Let's Learn about GA4 and the New Analytics Landscape
Let Google Analytics Release Your Inner Detective (2:25)
[Beginner] How to Measure Traffic Volume and Visitor Interest (1:33)
[Beginner] How to Measure Engagement and Actions Taken (1:47)
[Beginner] Source/Medium: Where's the Good Traffic Coming From? (2:18)
[Expert Interview] Roberto from Google on Why GA4 is a Major Shift in Analytics (27:02)
Quiz: Google Analytics 4 and the New Direction of SEO and Analytics
AARRR! Sailing from Pirate Metrics to the Land of Conversion Funnels (2:40)
[Intermediate] An Introduction to Digital Funnels and Conversion Points (2:29)
Voices from the Field: The Impact of GDPR, iOS14, and Other Privacy Frameworks (4:20)
Assignment: Show Off Some of Your New Google Analytics Skills Using the New GA4 Console (1:33)
Accelerate Growth by Developing Personas and Focusing on Specific User Segments
What if Your Focus was So Clear You Found Growth Hacks in Your Dreams? (2:22)
[Beginner] The Fundamentals of Segmentation for Growth Hackers (2:27)
[Expert Interview] Thomas Paris from MAD Kings on Segments and Acquisition (6:46)
[Intermediate] How to Build Personas and Needs Maps through Customer Interviews (3:33)
AI in Growth Hacking: Prompt for Developing an Early Customer Profile (3:06)
What are the Building Blocks of a Growth Hacking Campaign? (2:48)
[Expert Interview] Alen Faljic on Soft Data and Design Thinking (7:03)
[Beginner] Three Growth Marketing Concepts We'll Use Throughout the Course (3:57)
[B2C Case Study] 3 Growth Levers Maja Pulled to Grow a Hair Care Brand in the US (2:54)
Use Data to Learn Strategies and Run Your Growth Team
You Don’t Need to Know Everything when You Have Data (2:16)
[Analyze Data] The Fundamentals of Lean Analytics (3:05)
Voices from the Field: How to Kickstart Growth at a Startup (4:40)
[Focus on the Inputs] Find and Measure Your Leading Variables (2:47)
SideBYSide: How to Build and Share Dynamic Analytics Reports with Google Data Studio (10:24)
[Prioritize Growth Ideas] How to Use the ICE System in Growth Hacking (2:11)
AI in Growth Hacking: Brainstorm & Rank Growth Experiments (1:37)
[Expert Interview] Tips on Starting a Growth Team from Pedro Clivati ( (10:36)
[Work as a Team] 5 Hats: The Five Skills Needed to Hack Growth (2:17)
Practicum: Maja, Davis, and Jure Brainstorm Richard Persona Growth Hacks (11:55)
Assignment: Rank Jure’s Waitlist Experiment Idea Using the ICE Framework (0:37)
Language/Market Fit: Content Creation, Email Marketing, and SEO
What’s Language / Market fit? (2:05)
[Intermediate] Hacking Acquisition: The 8 Seconds Rule and Channel Testing (3:28)
Shelby Stephens from GrowthMatch Introduces the Concept of a Need Narrative (2:00)
Exercise: Create a Need Narrative with the Worksheet from GrowthMatch
[Beginner] Write Better Copy for Your Emails, Blogs, Websites, etc. (2:51)
[Beginner] Send More Effective Marketing Emails (3:22)
[Intermediate] Three Advanced Email Marketing Implementations (3:15)
[Intermediate] Try These Methods to Increase Email List Signups (3:02)
SideBYSide: How to Use Email Marketing in Today’s Marketplace (17:53)
Quiz: Email is Still Effective in 2025: The Persistent Value of Email Marketing
[Beginner] Five Must-know Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Practices (3:09)
[Intermediate] The Five-Point SEO Checklist for Content Marketing (1:58)
Quiz: Content Creation and SEO for Growth Marketers
Practicum: Content Marketing Hacks with Matthew Guay (formerly @ Zapier) (26:00)
[Advanced] Use UTM Tracking to Compare Channels and Content (2:51)
[Advanced] SideBYSide: Append UTM Codes to a Link (1:46)
[Expert Interview] Katie from Rebrandly Teaches the Basics of Link Management (20:56)
Where should you drive your traffic? Landing Pages and UX
What’s the Language Spoken by 65% of the Global Population? (2:49)
[Beginner] The Fundamentals of User Experience (UX) (2:17)
[Beginner] SideBYSide: How to Use Hotjar to Record and Review User Behavior (9:02)
[Beginner] Design a Killer Landing Page (2:42)
Brian Taylor from Amazon on UX and When to Use A/B Testing (6:59)
[Intermediate] Try these Five Methods to Increase Conversions (3:15)
Assignment: Use Hotjar Recordings to Generate Landing Page Optimization Ideas (1:12)
TOFU: Top-of-the-Funnel Marketing
Imagine Yourself Managing Your Own Digital Airport (2:08)
Voices from the Field: What role does TikTok play in your marketing mix? (9:20)
[Beginner] Paid Traffic: The Structure, Channels, and Metrics of Online Ads (3:41)
[Beginner] Paid Traffic: The Fundamentals of Setting Up Search (or “CPC”) Ads (2:42)
[Beginner] Paid Traffic: Audiences & the Basics of Social Media Ads vs. PPC (2:18)
[Expert Interview] Jack Paxton on iOS 15, COVID & Paid Traffic in 2025 (32:17)
[Expert Interview] Gabe Villimizar on B2B Sales Using LinkedIn & Social Media (31:13)
[Expert Interview] Bob Green on Paid Leads and Qualification Systems (3:34)
[Practicum] Maja's 3-part System to Generating B2B Leads Organically (9:43)
Growth's Financial Equation: LTV, CAC, and Reverse Engineering Marketing Funnels
Could Lifetime Customer Value Be the Most Important Marketing Metric? (3:33)
[Intermediate] How to Estimate Lifetime Customer Value and Acquisition Cost (3:21)
[Advanced] Place a Value at Each Point of Conversion in Your Funnel (3:11)
[Intermediate] SideBYSide: Let’s Estimate LTV and CAC of Different Personas (6:58)
Assignment: Using LTV, CAC, and Marketing Funnel Metrics to Make Strategic Decisions
[Advanced] Real-world Cases of Data Privacy Laws Increasing CAC
How to Go Viral? Social Media and Public Relations
How to Mix Social Media and Public Relations to Expand Your Audience (1:23)
[Intermediate] What Factors Increase the “Viral Effect” of Content? (2:59)
[Intermediate] ...but What Really Makes a Piece of Content “Go Viral?” (3:06)
Quiz: What are the dynamics behind content going viral on social media?
[Expert Interview] Joy Schoffler from Leverage PR on Working the Media (5:46)
[Intermediate] No Money for a Publicist? Here are Some DIY Publicity Hacks (5:20)
Growth Hacking Retention: Acquisition is Expensive. Retention is Not.
Where the Fun and Money Is (or Mr. Steve’s 100th Birthday Party) (2:37)
[Intermediate] The Fundamentals of Remarketing Based on User Behavior (2:12)
[Intermediate] SideBYSide: Build Audiences Who Engaged on Facebook or Instagram (2:42)
[Advanced] SideBYSide: Let’s Target of Cart Abandoners and Engaged Traffic on FB (1:51)
[Expert Interview] Simon Belak on Segmenting and Lifetime Customer Value (5:02)
[Intermediate] Define and Growth Hack Your Retention Cohorts (2:56)
Practicum: Using Online Communities and Customer Journey Mapping for Retention (17:07)
Assignment: Look Into the Customer Journey of Your Instagram Fans (0:40)
A Short Introduction to the New Section on Careers in Growth Hacking
A Short Introduction to the New Section on Careers in Growth Hacking (1:53)
[Expert Takeaways] Jeremy Epperson & Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) (11:14)
[Expert Takeaways] Wes Bush on Specializing in Product-led Growth (6:31)
[Expert Takeaways] Chris Out on Building a Growth Agency via Your Personal Brand (4:59)
[Expert Takeaways] Maja Voje on How to Be Successful with Consulting Clients (6:31)
[Expert Takeaways] Sean Ellis' Advice on Starting a Career in Growth Hacking (5:14)
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[Analyze Data] The Fundamentals of Lean Analytics
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